Austin Taiwanese Presbyterian Church

Connection Ministry is the English ministry of Austin Taiwanese Presbyterian Church.

In 1983, several families of international students and residents came to Austin from Taiwan. Because of their thirst for God's words and their common roots, they often gathered in their homes to read the Bible, pray, encourage and support each other. In an environment of shortage, God allowed the number of people in the gathering to grow gradually. Later, they decided to join the Presbyterian Church in the United States. In 1986, they borrowed the venue of HOPE Christian Presbyterian Church to start worship and gatherings. In 1997, they formally applied to establish the "Austin Taiwan Christian Church". Austin Taiwanese Presbyterian Church". The church moved to its new location in 1999 and completed construction in 2001. "Austin Taiwanese Presbyterian Church" is a church of immigrant nature. It adheres to the mission of worshiping God, sacrificing oneself and loving others, and equipping oneself. With the characteristics of the Taiwanese ethnic group, it spreads the good news of Jesus to Austin friends with Taiwanese background and ties to Taiwan. news, while also sharing this life-changing and hopeful gospel with Taiwanese immigrant families who came across the Pacific. At present, the church members also include second-generation and English-speaking members who have settled in the United States. There are various fellowships and activities. There are Taiwanese and English churches for Sunday worship.