Dinner and Discussion

We meet every 2nd Friday at the McGaughy’s house to make a meal together. After we eat we have a discussion time on various topics. It is an open forum for anyone who has questions about things such as: Current cultural questions, Difficult scriptures or doctrines, apologetics, etc.

fides quaerens intellectum or “Faith Seeking Understanding” “Augustine believed that knowledge of God comes before faith in Him, but faith in God brings with it a constant desire for deeper understanding. To phrase it simply, Christians earnestly want to understand what they believe.”* This is the heart of what we are attempting during our time together. To grow deeper in our understanding and not be afraid to ask difficult questions.

We usually start cooking around 5pm and we love for everyone to be involved in this process. You are welcome to join us at anytime during the evening however. We usually go from 5 to 10pm. We ask that everyone would be willing to chip in for the cost of food.